The potential size of any cob of corn is determined early in its life. If it was planted in a soil with low fertility or negative soil conditions like bad tilth or saturated ground, it will never reach the potential you would have hoped for no matter how much you babysit it later in its lifecycle. This is why you'll see these good-tasting, but scrunty ears in the box. We're still being haunted by the monsoon season we had in May and June when it rained every 3 hours. When we planted corn with the tractor we literally sank about a foot and a half into the ground, leaving these huge ruts which I'm sure will be there still next year. Still, after waiting til mid-June, we knew we had to just get things into the ground or they would never get planted. When planting anything into goop like that, plants get stressed because their roots have no oxygen (they are basically drowning in water). All told, however, the season has turned around like it always does and now we're moving irrigation like crazy!
Sorry I didn't write an entry last week. A couple things which may have confused people was the frilly bunch of greens, which was mizuna, a Asian green commonly used in stir-frys or mixed into a salad mix. The other things which looked like red beets were actually turnips.
In the box:
'Sarah's Choice' Canteloupe
A dozen ears of corn: A real mix of types....the big white variety is called 'Silver King.'
A couple green peppers
A couple red onions
A mix of Carrots: White ones are called 'Satin,' the yellow ones are 'Yellow Sun," and the others are 'Scarlet Nantes' an orange standard.
Tomatoes: A number of the slicers are still Early Girls, but there are a number of 'Black Cherry' mixed in.
Turnips: Everyone receive some standard 'Purple Top' with a couple 'Scarlet Queen' mixed in. I pasted in a few ideas to get you going with the turnips - see below.

4 Quick Turnip Recipes from
Rooting around for an in-season vegetable with inspiring possibilities? Turn to the turnip.
Levi Brown
Sautéed Turnips and Greens
Cook peeled and cut-up turnips and sliced garlic in olive oil in a large skillet until tender. Add the turnip greens and cook until just wilted. Season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Roasted Turnips With Ginger
Peel and cut turnips into wedges. Toss with sliced fresh ginger, canola oil, salt, and pepper on a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with honey and roast at 400° F until tender.
Mashed Turnips With Crispy Bacon
Simmer peeled and cut-up turnips in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and mash with butter, salt, and pepper. Fold in crumbled cooked bacon and chopped chives; top with shaved Parmesan.
Cook peeled and cut-up turnips and sliced garlic in olive oil in a large skillet until tender. Add the turnip greens and cook until just wilted. Season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Roasted Turnips With Ginger
Peel and cut turnips into wedges. Toss with sliced fresh ginger, canola oil, salt, and pepper on a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with honey and roast at 400° F until tender.
Mashed Turnips With Crispy Bacon
Simmer peeled and cut-up turnips in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and mash with butter, salt, and pepper. Fold in crumbled cooked bacon and chopped chives; top with shaved Parmesan.