With fall upon us, one thing which should get on your schedule is our annual fall harvest party. It will be Saturday, September 24 at the farm from 6:30 pm to whenever. This is a time to check out the farm and meet some other interesting people who are also CSA members. This is an appetizer/drinks/bonfire event. We used to do a potluck dinner, but this is more relaxed and casual affair. We provide all drinks and snacks, so just show up for a while.
Another thing you should be thinking about in fall is turkey. I'm happy to partner with a neighbor of mind, Alex Johnson, who is raising free-range turkeys. His family's been in the business since 1888 which makes him a 4th generation turkey farmer who really knows what he's talking about. Later this fall he will have heritage-breed Bourbon Red turkeys at $2.05/pound and standard white turkeys at $1.50/pound. I'm helping him get the word out, so please call or email us to reserve a turkey and we'll make arrangements.
In the box:
Celebrity slicing tomatoes
A Green pepper
A couple sweet Carmen peppers
An orange or yellow bell pepper
Cippolini onions: this is a really nice, flavorful onion from Italy. I dig it. I remember when I was studying in Rome, you'd see long braids of these things in the markets. I was thinking about this today and I just have to some more next year so we can do this because it's so cool.
A smattering of Tongue of Fire beans: this is a fresh shelling bean. Like dried beans, you can use in a soup or other dish, but the cooking time is a lot less since they are fresh.
Daikon Radish: This is the white radish with the top. Peel and use as you would any radish. Since it's an Asian radish, a typical way I like to make it up is grated with some rice vinegar and sugar.
Yellow watermelon
Athena canteloupe

In the box:
Celebrity slicing tomatoes
A Green pepper
A couple sweet Carmen peppers
An orange or yellow bell pepper
Cippolini onions: this is a really nice, flavorful onion from Italy. I dig it. I remember when I was studying in Rome, you'd see long braids of these things in the markets. I was thinking about this today and I just have to some more next year so we can do this because it's so cool.
A smattering of Tongue of Fire beans: this is a fresh shelling bean. Like dried beans, you can use in a soup or other dish, but the cooking time is a lot less since they are fresh.
Daikon Radish: This is the white radish with the top. Peel and use as you would any radish. Since it's an Asian radish, a typical way I like to make it up is grated with some rice vinegar and sugar.
Yellow watermelon
Athena canteloupe