Well, we're over halfway through the season. High season is coming in and those tomatoes are ripening up big time. It's that time of year when it's tough to keep up on all the harvesting that needs to take place. In some respects this is a tough time of year, but it's also really exciting...really what we've been waiting for for the last 3-4 months. Nothing get me going like going out and finding ripened melons, jumping around from one to another, knocking them, lifting them, checking out the tendrils to make sure they are ripe (even after all that, they can still be a dud).
Enjoy the heat.
In the box:
Bi-color Seneca Dancer corn
or some Silver Queen white corn
Japanese Eggplant or Some Calliope Eggplant
Cherry Tomato mix
Beans (tri-color mix)
Syrian Pink Tomatoes (Yes, they are ripe when pink)
Cherokee Purple Tomatoes
A Red Tomato
Specialty Carrot Mix (purple haze, atomic red, satin white)
Kale or Collard Greens
Fresh Thyme
A melon or two (some got a canteloupe, others watermelon)