As part of my day job as an Extension Educator I teach eCommerce and recommend businesses pursue creative marketing such as a blog. I figured it is about time I "walk the walk" and actually follow my own recommendations for my own business, Pesch Farm and Produce. We are a small, diversified 20-acre farm in Otter Tail County between Pelican Rapids and Vergas, MN. More about that later...
For this blog, my idea is to post information about our farm and produce which would be of interest to our customers. At the very least I would like to make a weekly entry to let people know what produce we are bringing to market on Saturday. At best this blog will also be a place for you to find recipies featuring local produce, interesting pictures and stories about our farm, and information about our fellow vendors at the Lakes Area Farmers Market in Detroit Lakes. I hope you will find this site useful as a place to connect with local foods in our neck of the woods.