Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Harvests

I've noticed this season that it takes me longer and longer to harvest the produce for the box on Fridays. I typically wake up early, get out harvesting, and wrap up the boxes by noon. Sometimes when there are a lot of time-intensive crops like peas or beans, it may take a while longer or we get going on Thursday night. That's why it's been so frustrating this season to be finishing up at 2 or even 3 pm and dashing off to get deliveries done before 4.

Each week I think I'm just getting old and slow, but, reflecting back over the season, I think this weather is what has been killing me. Today, like a lot of Fridays, I'm going to have to harvest in mud and puddles of water. Getting stuff out of the ground, however, is only part of the problem. In order to get produce clean, I spend lots of time spraying, soaking, and scrubbing produce so it doesn't look like a mudcake. I bet 75% of Friday harvests have been in the mud after a recent rain and about 25% of the time have been done in the rain. No wonder I'm getting slow...maybe it's not aging (although we all know there's no gettin
g around it)?Reminder: We're having our Lida Farm get together this Saturday evening, starting at 6:30. It's a casual event with snacks, drinks, and a bonfire. If so inclined, bring something, but just bring yourself. Meet other members and check out the farm. Hope you can make it.

BTW we also had the Pelican Rapids Early Childhood class out this Monday (see picture):

In the box:
Norvalley White Potatoes
Rutebega(s): root with greens on top.
Butternut Squash: all winter squash should be stored in dry, sunny location (don't refrigerate)...winter squash actually will get sweeter with time.
Acorn Squash
Harelred Apples
Collard Greens
Summer Squash

Sunday, September 19, 2010

CSA get together September 25th

Every year we have a little get together at Lida Farm for the year's CSA members, so you can check out the farm and meet all those other people who have also been receiving a waxed box periodically in their garage or porch. For the last few years we've been having a potluck thing for Sunday dinner, but we thought we'd change it up this year. So we're going for an after dinner snacks, drinks, and bonfire affair. Casual, no need to make a hotdish or anything, stick around as long as you'd like.

So, this is the lowdown:
  • Time: 6:30
  • Place: Lida Farm (44593 275th Ave. - corner of Otter Tail County Highway 4 and East Lake Lida Road-there is a map on the website to the right)
  • Activities: Ryan gives his typical farm tour, drinks, bonfire
  • What to bring: mainly just bring yourself, but, if so inclined, bring something to drink or some kind of snack/appetizer (your homemade salsa, etc.) We will be providing a mix of drinks and snacks ourselves.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Late Season Slump

Well, it's terrible out there. I just came in for some coffee to get a little boost to harvest and just plain warm up. I hope this monsoon slump we've been in will finally turn around!

I always find this a pretty tough time of year to carry on. There are only three more weeks of the CSA after this week and we're realistically about a week from a first frost. Lots of stuff still needs to be harvested, but, having been at it for quite a while, I'm down right tired. I don't think I could pull it off without the caffeine. Still, I'm always a bit sad when that first frost comes.

In the box:
Buttercup winter squash
Yellow onion/red onion
Juliet tomatoes
A mix of peppers
Green zebra tomatoes: these are ripe now....don't wait for them to change color just because they are green.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Fall Weather

This weather has been a nice change from dewpoints in the 60s and temperatures in the 90s. The change has made me appreciate the oncoming of fall, which is just around the corner. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but summer is almost over.

How does this affect growing at the farm? What I find fascinating is the effect fall weather has on growing time. In the summer, something like salad mix can go from seed to full-sized mix in 3 weeks, whereas it will take twice as long in fall weather. It seems like its still somewhat warm and sunny, but we just don't have the full strength of the sun and length of day to move things along. This all reminds me to get that fall salad mix planted. Gotta go!

In the box:
Green Zebra Tomatoes
Red Celebrity Tomatoes
San Marzano Roma Tomatoes
Sweet White Onions
Green Peppers
Little Red Cabbage
Kale or Collards
Thai Basil: pretty nice variety with a hint of licorice
Summer Squash